sample collecting instructions

Washing hands are mandatory , before tightly sealing tubes & containers , there by preventing outer pollution & contamination of samples

In order to ensure the integrity of your samples and to receive accurate results please follow the following instructions strictly

Conditions and Requirements for Laboratory Analysis


The gloves must be worn to avoid inserting cells into the tube containing the patient’s blood.

Urea breath test

Abstain from antibiotics and antacids for 5 days and fast for 8 hours

PT – PTT Analysis

In the case of a patient undergoing any anticoagulant medication the start & end of the regimen should be started including the drug dosage e.g ( Marivan – heparin ) etc .

Blood fat

Fasting is required for 12-14 hours (cases are accepted from 10-14 hours) in order to complete the absorption of fats in the blood and to keep their percentage stable
It is allowed to drink water only during the fasting period and refrain from smoking during the fasting period

Fasting sugar

Fasting is required for 8 hours (cases are accepted from 6-10 hours) in order to complete the burning of sugar and take the percentage and the patient is fasting. fasting period

Catecholamine, VMA

Urine is collected for 24 hours in a special bottle containing acid that the patient receives from the laboratory, and it is required to abstain for a period of no less than 72 hours from consuming tea, coffee, chocolate, vanilla, licorice and soda

Blood cholesterol

Fasting from 6-16 hours is required


Collecting urine for 24 hours in a special bottle containing acid that the patient receives from the laboratory, and it is required to abstain for a period of no less than 72 hours from eating pineapples, plums, kiwis, nuts, avocados, bananas and tomatoes

Post prandial blood sugar 

It is required to count the two hours from the beginning of eating, in order to start secreting insulin with the beginning of eating, and it is required to eat food within the first ten minutes from the beginning of the two hours. It is not allowed to eat any food during the two hours and only water is allowed. If the patient is taking a treatment for diabetes, the treatment is taken unless there are special instructions from the attending physician. Please come to the lab at least a quarter of an hour before the end of the two hours

Platelet function tests

Fasting for 10 hours is required and discontinuation of aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and anticoagulants

Aldosterone renin

Eat salt in a normal amount for three days and sleep or move with little effort for two hours
(aldosterone) and for four hours (Renin)

Glucose tol curve

The patient is brought to the laboratory fasting, and a sample is taken from him, then he takes a dose of glucose provided by the laboratory and it is calculated according to the weight of each patient. Then samples are taken after half an hour, then an hour, then two hours, and then three hours after taking the dose of glucose. No food or drink is allowed during the period of work of the curve. Only by taking water and treatment, and the curve is done after a fast of 10-16 hours. It is preferable to do the analysis in the period from 7 to 9 am. You must relax (sitting throughout the test period) (3 hours), and refrain from smoking during the test.

Urine pregnancy test

The first urine in the morning is preferred because the pregnancy hormone is more concentrated with less fluid intake the evening before the analysis so that the concentration of the hormone does not decrease. days after menstruation has stopped

Medications (asthma – heart – epilepsy)

The drug is taken regularly for 5 days in order to reach a stable level of the drug in the blood. It is stipulated that there should be no vomiting or diarrhea for 48 hours before conducting the analysis because this will affect the dose and therefore the level of the drug in the blood. A sample is taken before any dose to calculate the proportion of the drug at the lowest level (Trough) and then Another sample is taken several hours after taking the drug (it varies from one drug to another) to calculate the highest percentage of the drug in the blood (Peak) in order to make sure that the dose taken by the patient is the effective dose without reaching drug poisoning

Paul’s farm  

It is required to wash the hand and genitals with soap and water, and to clean the urinary opening with disinfectant (Dettol), then rinse again with water to remove the excess disinfectant, then empty the first drops of urine into the toilet and place the rest in the sterile container provided by the laboratory. It is preferable to refrain from the use of antibiotics for at least 48 hours in order to give the microbe an opportunity grow

Decoy cells in Urine

The second urine sample in the morning for three consecutive days, provided that it is brought at the time of the arrival of the representative


10 days before the test, the patient refrains from inserting an endoscope or catheter because this will affect the result of the test, unless there is another opinion of the treating physician, and this is noted on the job order. Prostate examination does not affect this test

24 hour urine collection

The patient empties the bladder completely in the bathroom and records the time at that time and then collects any urine after that in a suitable clean, dry and sufficient bottle for collection. The urine collection continues until the same time as the start of collection from the next day and the urine is kept in the refrigerator until it is sent to the laboratory. Some tests require a preservative to be placed in the package before assembly

Macro prolactin

It is recommended to fast for 6-8 hours


It is preferable to fast for 6-8 hours, because this test is for the digestive system, and any food the patient eats raises the lining of the digestive system, and this affects the result.

Pass urine 3 days in arow

The first urine is required in the morning, and it is preferable to send each sample to the laboratory on the same day

Double & Triple test – Mongolian Child analysis

During pregnancy
We ask about the date of birth – age – weight – the first day of the last period – number of weeks of pregnancy – does the woman smoke or not – do you suffer from diabetes – do you suffer from high blood pressure – did a previous pregnancy occur and the result of this pregnancy – weeks report Pregnancy by ultrasound and the number of fetuses


Avoid citrus fruits and fatty meals before the analysis and when doing a follow-up, it is preferable to withdraw the sample in the same period of the day, morning or evening period

Sputum collection for 3 consecutive days

It is required to collect the first sputum in the morning after gargling with water several times and before eating. Saliva samples are not accepted. The sample is sent to the laboratory on the same day. Hot water vapor can be inhaled in the morning to facilitate the sample administration

Pathological analysis

The report on the pathology samples is written and attached to the sample (patient’s name – gender – age – sample type – clinical status


It is required not to perform the test after a blood transfusion or a relapse until after 3-4 weeks have passed

Semen analysis

It is required to abstain from intercourse or a wet dream for a period of not less than 3 consecutive days and not more than 7 days, so as not to affect the quantity. It is also preferable to give the sample in the laboratory, taking care to put the first drops of semen into the special bottle for this, because these dots contain 3/4 the number of sperm But if the sample was brought from the home, this should be written in a clear handwriting on the job order, as well as the time of collecting the sample. It is not allowed to accept a sample from the home that has passed for more than 20 minutes.

Karyotyping Test ( as/c significance )

Write the report on the test and attach with the sample (patient’s name – sex – age – gender – reason for test)

Iron – TIBC

It is preferable to fast from 6-8 hours and to come in the morning after the end of the menstrual period before starting iron therapy or blood transfusion

Poo‘s farm

It is required that the sample reaches the labo within two hours at most, as microbes die quickly and we do not accept samples in pampers or carton boxes as they absorb fluids from the sample and dehydration also kills the microbes. It is preferable to refrain from antibiotics for 48 hours. If the sample is brought from home, this is written on the pocket order

Fibrotest  Actitest analysis

Carefully writing the date of birth – weight – height – the patient must be fasting from 12 to 14 hours on Fibromax


Collecting urine for 24 hours in a special bottle containing acid that the patient receives from the laboratory with abstaining from meat and gelatin for 48 hours

Fecal occult blood analysis

The patient abstains for 48 hours from consuming all kinds of red meat, liver, radish, rheumatic drugs, or medicines containing aspirin, vitamin C, cortisone, or iron. It is also not allowed to take laxatives.


Second morning urine sample without making any effort

Sedimentation Speed

It is recommended to fast for 6-8 hours

Post coital test

Abstaining from intercourse 3 days before the test and sleeping on the back for two hours with the waist raised with a pillow after intercourse and not rinsing the vagina (internally) whether by showering or with fingers before and after intercourse

Gynecological smear

It is required not to have intercourse for two days in order to make sure that the microbe present is from the uterus and not from the semen, and not to wash the vagina for 24 hours before conducting the analysis. It is preferable to refrain from antibiotics for 48 hours

Prostate or penis smear

It is required not to have intercourse for 48 hours and to hold urine for a period of no less than an hour before conducting the examination and (preferably) to abstain from antibiotics for a period of not less than 48 hours